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Influencing Behavior

Shima 0 comments 01.06.2016


Every Wednesday, I will share a resident of the South Bay contributing to making our community a better place.

Today’s WCW title belongs to South Bay native, Jamie Kelly, who joined the army reserve in 2007 as Psychological Operations Specialist.

Kelly, 27, was born and raised in Torrance, CA. In 2007, upon graduating from North High school, she joined the army reserve and deployed the following year in 2008.


As a Psychological Operations Specialist, Kelly’s duties are to influence behavior of foreign populations via media and face to face communication.

When asked what she would tell someone who may be interested in enlisting, she says, “The military can help you grow up and give you valuable life skills that you won't be able to obtain elsewhere.”
She values the friends she has made and “being a part of something bigger than yourself.” However, she says the challenging aspects are reintegrating back into civilian life after deployment.


When she is not working, she enjoys taking her kids to the park, retail therapy, and traveling.  Kelly plans to continue paying it forward by going back to school to someday become a nutritionist or personal trainer.

She wants to focus on health and help people surpass their goals.

Today, Kelly is living in Utah with her husband and children. She says she misses the South Bay mostly for, “The weather, lots of sunny days, legit Mexican and Asian food.”


Thank you, Kelly, for devoting your time and efforts to our military and making our country a greater place

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