0 comments 27.06.2016

Did you know more dogs get lost on July 4th than any other day of the year?
Because of this, shelters see a dramatic increase in lost dogs which results in them having to put many dogs to sleep to make room for more.
As the 4th of July week of festivities comes close, keep your dog safe by following these simple tips.

Check that your dog’s collar is on a securely. The collar shouldn’t feel too tight, but also snug enough that it cannot fall off if caught.

Ensure that the information on your dog’s tag is up to date with a name, address and phone number so you can be reached easily if your dog gets curious and runs out to find the sound.

In addition to having a collar, microchip your dog. A microchip is a tiny transponder that carries your pet’s information which can be retrieved when scanned using radio frequency waves. This is the most secure form of assuring your dog is protected if lost, so they can quickly retain information and reunite you with your best friend again.

Take your dog for a nice walk, run, hike or play time prior.
Burning excess energy will eliminate any pent up stress, anxiety or nerves.

Do not fuel the anxiety. If your dog begins to panic due to the fireworks, do not carry more attention to the fear. Instead, turn on calming music or the TV to stimulate the mind and distract him from the alarming sounds and lights. Relaxmydog on iTunes will help put your pup to a deep sleep.

Hire a sitter or consider boarding. If you have plans to host or will be away from home, it may be best to leave your dog with a trusting friend or pet boarding center. Most boarding facilities, like Mission Underdog Group, keeps dogs secure in a warehouse where sounds are not as loud. This keeps your dog calm and less anxious all-around.
Plus, they will be playing with their fur-friends and will be too distracted to care about the fireworks.

Take a current photo of your dog in case he goes missing.

Comfort your dog, if necessary. Although they say you shouldn't baby a dog who is afraid, sometimes all they need is love.
Have a safe 4th of July week ahead and remember to take time out to prepare for your dog's needs as well.