Helping Give Every Baby a Healthy Start

Every Wednesday, I will share a resident of the South Bay contributing to making our community a better place.
Today’s #WCW title belongs to South Bay resident, Cindy Perez who is a member of the March of Dimes’ committee where she raises money to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.
Cindy, 27, is a South Bay native who is currently working in the medical field while also finishing up school. When she is not juggling school and work, she is a member of the March of Dimes committee (Orange County Chapter).
Despite her demanding hours with school, Cindy dedicates time to pay it forward by raising money as well as prepare and contribute in organizing the March of Dimes yearly 5k walk/run. Cindy raises money by educating and bringing awareness to others about March of Dimes.
Cindy was inspired to pursue March of Dimes when a friend of the family’s son died a few weeks after birth. Cindy’s aunt and she decided they wanted to do something to support their friend, and soon grew to love the organization and after a few years of attending and raising money for the March of Dimes, they decided to join the committee.
With the help of social media, Cindy has been able to bring awareness to others about March of Dimes. In addition, she posts flyers at work, gym, school etc. Prior to the first year Cindy joined March of Dimes, she was not aware of how many newborns are born prematurely or with birth defects. She hopes that with each passing year, she can bring more awareness to others.
Cindy would like people to know that March of Dimes is a nonprofit organization that helps improve the health of newborn babies. Every year, March of Dimes helps the premature rate drop, give support to the families of the newborns, and invest in the research toward lowing birth effect and death rate. For more detailed information, one may visit their website here.
In addition to bringing awareness to March of Dimes, Cindy contributes to society by participating in other 5ks and attempting to raise money for whatever causes that may be. Just recently in the month of September, she participated in the Los Angeles Dodgers foundation 5K where money was raised for children to in Los Angeles to be able to have special programs within their school. Just last week, she started a toy drive where she collected over 200 items to donate to the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.
Cindy believes every person is different and has a passion for something different from the next person, so she encourages others to find something they are passionate about and research what ways they can help in that area.
Cindy explains, “My soft spot is helping children which is why it is so easy for me to willingly dedicate time to March of Dimes.”