Setting the Stage to Sell

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A common question clients often ask is, “Should I stage my home?”
Home staging has become more common in recent years because of its tremendous results!
By staging your home, you allow potential buyers to paint a picture of themselves in the home.
It’s difficult for some to envision themselves in an empty home or one that is already lived in, so by applying simple modifications, you can present your home in a place they can’t see themselves without!
While staging may cost money, it’s not nearly as much as reducing your first price. There are many ways to set the stage without breaking the bank!
An important step before staging is to declutter and make the home as presentable as possible. Simple steps such as vacuuming, dusting, and shining the floor and windows will instantly revamp a home.
Another helpful tip is adding natural light by eliminating curtains and blinds. A bright home will gain far more attention than a dark, uninviting home will.
Buyers with children will want to find a home they can raise their children in. If your home has great child amenities such a large yard or jungle gym, be sure to emphasize on these features.
By applying simple staging tips to your home, it will sell far quicker and will make the moving process easier.
If you’re curious of more affordable ways to stage
your home, feel free to contact me!