South Bay’s Favorite SOOSK

Every Monday, I will share a resident of the South Bay contributing to making our community a better place.
Today’s MCM title belongs to Alireza Nejad, who uses his passion for music and Djing as a way to help the youth stay out of trouble by offering tutorials and classes for free.
Nejad, better known as “Dj Soosk,” 28, was born and raised in Torrance. He graduated from South Torrance High in 2005 and in 2001 decided to pursue his passion for music producing and Djing into a career.
Growing up, Nejad had a strong love for music from a young age. Nejad says that having grown up around three older sisters that had very different preferences in music choice gave him the ability to learn many genres at once. However, it was his youth Pastor, Jim, from a local Christian youth group that inspired him.

Nejad says, “He taught me everything I needed to know and helped me with the business aspects of DJing.” He realized that there is much more to it than standing behind a set of turntables.
He learned the value and hard work of DJ’s early on and explains that he’s not always by the most famous musicians, instead “for the guy that I see djing on a regular basis at the local bar, nightclub or event.” He explains that he/she is the one that inspires him to work harder.
In addition, he finds inspiration from his parents who moved to the country with nothing. He says that almost 40 years ago, his father with broken English started to work immediately and has not stopped since. “Never once did I hear himself or my mother want to give up and settle for less for our family. That’s true inspiration to me,” he says.

His greatest supporters have been his wife, Pricila and family. “They have always supported every decision I have made in life, even if it wasn’t the best for me. Sometimes you have to make the mistake yourself to learn,” he says.
Nejad decided to brand his business after a childhood memory. Growing up, Nejad’s grandmother called him soosk which translates to cockroach in Farsi.

He says, “I was so dark compared to the rest of my family. It stuck when my friends would start calling me that as a joke. If you can’t fight em, Join em.”
Indeed, he joined them! His business grew exceptionally through word of mouth and radio spots on loacal stations and hottest nightclubs in the South Bay area.
Despite the popularity of DJ’s, Nejad wishes people knew that a DJ does not have a 401k or health benefits. “The hours are long, and equipment is very expensive and being able to DJ is a talent. Know the worth of who is being hired,” he says.

Nejad loves living in the South Bay mostly for the people. “It’s the most diverse, influential and relaxing place to live. I have friends and neighbors from every walk of life and you really cannot find that in many places in this world,” he says. In addition, he has found that he can never complain about the weather and enjoys that it is conveniently close major attractions such as, LA, OC, snow, the dessert, Las Vegas, beaches, and mountains. “You can’t go wrong!” he says.
Today, Nejad continues to DJ on a regular basis weddings and cooperate events. An event’s management company organizes his events for him and can be contacted at
[email protected]
Nejad gives back to his community by Djing for breast cancer events, schools and other non-profit events at no charge in order to be able to help raise money for a great cause. “I also do classes and tutorials for kids trying to start off and help with the basics. I would much rather have them in the passion of music than getting into trouble. I know it saved me as a youth,” he says.

When he is not producing music pieces, he spends his time as a Father and Husband. “It’s the best job in the world. I love spending time with family and friends,” he says.
In five years, Nejad would love to see himself iving in a nice big house (“That Shima sells me of course”) in the South Torrance area, with his wife Pricila and daughter Soraya. He also hopes to have more children then. He says that he doesn’t know where his life will take him in five years, but he hopes to be Djing as much as he does now.
Thank you, Alireza for using your passion for music to make our community a greater place and keeping our youth out of trouble.