Family First

Photo Credit: City of Manhattan Beach
One of my favorite summer activities is discovering all the fun things there is to do for free!
I spent many years as a Nanny and to keep the children busy, I would research local places that offered a good time for the kids and myself. A few years ago, I discovered CONCERTS IN THE PARK.
Every year, the city of Manhattan Beach provides a series of summer-long concerts held at Polliwog Park. The concerts vary from Elvis and Beatles tribute bands to local musicians.
The performances are free to the public and offer an excellent outdoor dance floor for you and the kiddos. The first concert will begin on Sunday, June 28 and will continue until September 6, 2015. Concerts play from 5:00-7:00 PM.
If you’re looking for a kid-friendly activity, pack a picnic and head to your local park for some free fun!
For more details and rules, please refer to the City of Manhattan Beach’s website.