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edward robert sochia

Tag : edward robert sochia

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Hear him out.

Shima 0 comments 30.05.2016


Every Monday, I will share a resident of the South Bay contributing to making our community a better place.

Today’s MCM title belongs to Edward Robert Sochia, who’s love for music has inspired him to release several CD’s in hopes of sharing his thoughts, feelings and beliefs to connect with others who've gone through similar experiences.

Edward, better known as EJ, 27, grew up in Torrance, CA. While at North High school, he began writing poetry and songs. He says, “Never really thought I would do anything with it in the future, mostly just a cool little hobby."

However, when he went to El Camino College, he met a producer and says they just clicked and started making music every day. “We made a couple CD's, but never really pushed it. It was still a "hobby" but it was a "hobby" that we were getting better and better at,” he says.


He took a break from music and kind of just started doing other things but still wrote here and there on the side. One night, his cousin took him to a studio and E.J. recorded for the first time in about a year.

He says, “I knew at that point I had to start taking it more serious. This was about a year or so ago. I saved money and released my CD "Lost and Found," which pretty much gives an insight of my life and what I was going through.”

He was most inspired to write by his own life experiences and all the things he has gone through. “Sounds a bit cliché, but my life has been a roller coaster. I'm an emotional person so my outlet to expressing my emotions was just to write it out,” he says.


E.J. says many artists inspire him. “In fact, I like all genres of music. I'm labeled as a "rap artist," but I will be releasing a R&B type CD this June and I feel like it's my best work I have ever done. A few artists that inspired me to make music are Notorious BIG, Usher, all types of oldies, Eminem for sure, and lastly a gospel singer by the name of Ernie Toppin. That man can sing,” he says.

He has found that he writes music in the weirdest places. “My whole last CD was 80% written at my job. I work early around 6 am so coffee and instrumentals is what gets my day started,” he says. E.J. has even written a song walking around the block, and even a few while he was doing laundry.


He says that one time he was so excited about a song he was writing, he left his clothes in the dryer and went home and totally forgot about them. “I record with the well-known engineer Geo the Chef and I’ll book studio time and do 5 hour sessions and just hammer a bunch of stuff out. The vibe is always great and it puts me at peace. Recording is my Yoga for the brain,” he says.

He can't really describe his style, but says he is very versatile and that separates him from other artist. “I can make a club banger then turn around and hit you with a R&B love song. That's why music is so cool. You can do what you want with it,” he says.


When he is not creating music, he is usually working. He says the music stuff gets expensive when you do it right. He says, “You’ve got to spend money to make money.”

 He also likes to work out and play sports, which kind of gets his mind off all the other things he has going on in his life.

E.J. likes the South Bay mostly because everyone is diverse. “Different cultures, backgrounds, all that stuff. but also, we are kind of one big family. Everyone knows everyone for the most part. It's kind of cool honestly,” he says.

Thank you, E.J., for reminding others it’s never too late to follow your hobbies and make it happen…even on top of working to pay the bills. You are an inspiration to those seeking to find the balance between doing what they love and work.


“If something big happens, cool, but I really just want everyone to hear me out. People always say, ‘when you make it big,’ when in reality that's not even the main focus. I feel like my music speaks for itself. So hear me out!”

– Edward Robert Sochia

You can find him on the following platforms:





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