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Five ways a home is valued

Shima 0 comments 26.02.2016


The other day my client asked me, “Shima, how much money can I get for my home?”

I told him that when a potential buyer is inspecting the value of a home, several factors come into play. Although the market has a huge impact whether a home will sell quick or slow, there are some indications that are always considered.

First and foremost, LOCATION!

One of the most influential factors a buyer will consider when deciding whether to purchase a home or investment is geographical location. You’ve heard it, seen it and even said it, “Location, Location, Location!” Proximity to attractions, transportation routes, schools, demographics, ocean views, fine dining and freeways are all advantages one may take into consideration when assessing the value of a home or business’ location.

Second, PRICE!

In 1950, Pepsi used the slang, “More bang for the buck” as an advertising method to describe the New Look policy on nuclear weapons. Today, the phrase is used to mean a greater worth for the money used.

We all love a great deal, especially in one of our greatest investments we will ever make. People want to know that they’re getting more than they imagined they could ever have and that happens when they feel like the home was a steal. Well, how does this occur?

When a home is strategically priced, people line up, wanting it before it’s gone. And the way to do that is to make sure it is priced to sell!

Third, knowing who is your COMPETITION.

When pricing your home, it’s vital to look at what is currently active, what is pending, what has a backup offer, and what has closed.  The active listings are who we are competing with. The pending sales are necessary to see how many days something has been on the market until it has gotten an offer. Closed Sales will test us exactly where our comps will come from- which is typically between the lowest and highest sales.

By understanding WHO the competition is, it is easier to focus on what you have to offer that the others don’t- and that is your power.

Fourth, the CONDITION of your home.

Again, a home or business is a huge investment one makes and the condition will either influence or scare some away. What may seem like a potential fixer to some, may seem frightening to others. So, the condition of a home will influence one’s decision in determining if they will get more bang for their buck!

 Last but not least, the CURRENT MARKET.

Current market conditions are gathered from interest rates, stock market, gasoline prices, election-year distractions, global events, and other things going on around us that we basically have no control over.  These factors plus seasonal things such as income tax time, holidays, add an unpredictable element to home sales.  However, over time, the trend is always upward! As my friend and business partner Tim Marshall says, “I have a saying that the best time to buy is now and the best time to sell is now, because in the long run the trend is always upward.”

As previously mentioned, we all love a great deal. To some, a deal may be getting furniture with the home, a free TV or fridge. To others, it’s simply getting more bang for their buck- which is really just getting something better for the same price.

So when deciding what to price your home, remember these determining factors that will ultimately influence a buyer’s decision. Remember, we’re all out to get the most bang for our buck!

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Shima 0 comments 16.02.2016

Often times I am asked, “Shima, how can I sell my home the quickest?”

My most common response is, “Well, what is fast?”

A home is not something many of us can let go of easily. It is a place where we’ve lived, made memories and held many gatherings in. It’s a part of a chapter of our lives and we tend to grow an emotional bond with our homes. In result, we also tend to idolize our homes anf view them as far more magnificent than others will see them.

Because of our perceptions, we idolize the home and overvalue it at times. The truth is, it doesn’t matter how much a seller loves the property – because it is only worth what the buyer is WILLING to pay for it.

So, I know it’s hard to let go of our homes when we’ve made so many memories, but look at it this way- You’re leaving behind the old, 1.0 version of you and starting over. This is a new start, a new life, a new opportunity, a new luxury.

So, how can you get rid of the old quickest so that you can get the new? Well, it’s all about selling your home in a marketable area.
You may be wondering, “What is a marketable area?”

MARKETABLE is defined simply as: able to be sold, wanted by buyers.

So the ultimate goal is to make YOUR home a marketable place so that it attracts buyers. Of course, your home will not be for everyone, but it may possibly be for someone they know. If you’re able to present a home where anyone can see themselves living in it, you are far closer to selling your home. In order to do so, you must present a home that allows others to paint an image of themselves in it.

Here are some ways you can do that:


Your home will be open for viewing at times and if it is filled with too many of your belongings, it may be difficult for a potential buyer to not only see themselves living in the home, but to value it. When we have furniture, boxes, etc. lying around- rooms seem smaller, more crammed.

You only have one chance to make a good impression with buyers, so you want to make sure that they’re impressed enough to write an offer.

 Just as beautiful on the inside as the out:

Before even entering the home, potential buyers will see the outside and we want to make sure the outside looks as good as the inside. There are simple ways to do so- gardening, mowing the lawn, or even adding flowers. Also, it doesn’t hurt to do a pressure wash on exterior walls so that they’re clean and free of dust and dirt.

When your home looks welcoming and presentable on the outside, buyers will want to see what it looks like on the inside.

The price is right!

You don’t show up on the day of a test without studying- you prepare. Prior to pricing your home, you will want to be guided by your Realtor of most recent sales in the area where your home is. This prevents overpricing your home, causing it to sit on the market and going stale. The goal is to price your home to sell so that an offer is received in just a few weeks.

Ultimately, whether you want to move out of your house quickly or have time to relocate- you have to be strategic when it comes to attracting buyers.

You want your home to express to others that it is what they want and what we have to offer is the best!

Here’s to Selling YOUR Home In Marketable Areas.

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Raising High

Shima 0 comments 08.02.2016


Every Monday, I will share a resident of the South Bay contributing to making our community a better place. Today’s #MCM title belongs to Aaron Ware who is bringing his discipline and success as an athlete into the workforce all while inspiring kids from the inner city to stick to education.

Aaron Ware, 26, was born in Gardena and raised in Los Angeles. Upon graduating from Bishop Montgomery in 2008, Aaron attended George Washington University on a basketball scholarship from 2008-2012. He chose GW amongst the others because it was the most well-known basketball school and first school that recruited him.

Although initially apprehensive about leaving L.A. to attend college, Aaron’s mother always encouraged him to spend time in another city as well as meet new people. GW began recruiting Aaron in July of 2007 and they stuck with him until he signed his letter of intent to attend the university.  “I attended GWU because it was an opportunity for me to attend college in the nation’s capital, as well as grow as a young adult,” he says.

Playing basketball has given Aaron many opportunities that he says he would have never fathomed. “Traveling around the country, staying in 5-star hotels and getting television exposure is something not too many people that come from my neighborhood get to experience,” he says. Furthermore, he was able to learn the business side of college basketball such as, coaching staff changes, early morning film sessions/practices while balancing it with schoolwork allowed him to prepare for life after basketball, in the workforce.


Going to school in Washington, DC gave Aaron many memorable experiences that he will never forget, such as: taking a white house tour, attending President Obama’s inauguration in January 2009, GW basketball’s marketing campaign and an opportunity to play a basketball game in front of the First Family.

Today, Aaron works as an Order Management Specialist, in which he places orders for K-Swiss Sales Representatives from around the country.  However, in five years, he hopes to be the Sales Representative for the brand for the Southern California and Arizona area.

Aaron’s passion for shoes led him to K-Swiss when his mom’s best friend, John Porter, saw an opportunity for him to have a career in a business he was knowledgeable in. According to Aaron, Porter has been a sales rep for K-Swiss for over 20 years and is responsible for the Southern California and Arizona territory. He finds that the best part of his job is seeing how each department operates, between operations, product, sales & marketing, etc.

K-Swiss has been in existence since 1996 and is best known for producing tennis shoes and a wide range of apparel including shirts, shorts, and bags. Working at K-Swiss and understanding their “Assembly Line” has helped Aaron realize that when everyone commits time to their assignments, the brand will be successful. Aaron believes that what makes K-Swiss so uniqu

e is that it has remained true to court fitness and style, and will continue to influence young consumers with trends for many years to come.


Transitioning from the sports world into the shoe industry is right up Aaron’s alley, since he knows trends and styles that people love on the west coast. “K-Swiss is a brand that was very popular among our parent’s generation. However, the goal within the next 3-5 years is to sell shoes and apparel that resonate more so with people 13-35 years old,” he says.

Aaron’s plan to do so by being a “walking billboard.” He says that people he is around often are always curious as to what shoes he is wearing. He explains that once they realize he is wearing K-Swiss, they are shocked because the shoes are typically known to be basic, all white and black shoes.

Today, Aaron enjoys playing basketball sparingly, sometimes 3-4 times a month. “I have a few friends that play professionally so when they come home in the summer, I play with them on weekends,” he says. However, he remains very active participating in cardio 4-5 times/week.

Aaron pays it forward to his community by speaking to young boys and girls, especially those who come from the inner city. When given the opportunity, Aaron speaks at basketball camps to children aged 7-12 about the game of basketball, but more importantly, life lessons.


When Aaron is not playing basketball or working, he enjoys watching sports and attending games, mainly basketball, baseball and football. He genuinely loves music of all genres, but mainly listens to hip-hop, R&B and Pop. An interesting fact about Aaron is that he owns over 70 pairs of shoes. He still owns some of his shoes from when he was just two-years-old and still wears shoes from over 10+ years ago.

Aaron looks up to his mother, Shirley Warren and her best friend/his Godfather, John Porter who are both of his greatest mentors.  In addition, he admires Doug Mitchell, his high school basketball coach at Bishop Montgomery in Torrance.

Aaron enjoys living in the South Bay mostly for the beach culture, restaurants, beaches, and bars/lounges which he says make it very hip and one of the most underrated areas in the city. He also enjoys going to restaurants around the L.A. area and claims himself to be a huge “foodie.” In addition, he enjoys shopping time to time in the Beverly/Fairfax area of L.A.

Thank you, Aaron, for being a wonderful member of the South Bay community and finding ways to inspire the youth to reach their academic and sport goals.


 “I believe I can inspire young people to achieve their goals and encourage them that school is very important. I have been very fortunate thus far with some of my experiences, and I think if I can share my story with the youth, they can visualize themselves becoming successful.”

Aaron Ware

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Chasing the light at the end of the tunnel

Shima 0 comments 25.01.2016


Every Monday, I will share a resident of the South Bay contributing to making our community a better place. Today’s MCM title belongs to Nick Ekbatani, who has found a way to bring inspiration to those struggling to find acceptance in loss after losing a part of his leg in an accident in 2012.

Nick, 28, grew up in Torrance, CA. During his youth, Nick didn’t have many friends and was often bullied for being “chubby.” When Nick was 11, his mom decided that she would sign him up for Pop Warner Youth Football in hopes of getting him out of the house and active. Soon after signing up, Nick thought he hated the sport and wanted to quit.

Despite his frustrations with the sport, his mom did not let him quit. “We didn’t have a lot of money, so she wasn’t going to just waste it,” Nick says. In order to get through the season, Nick often cracked jokes about himself and found that laughing at himself helped him surpass the bullying too.

After making a conscious decision to work harder in football, Nick continued to get better and better. By the 8th grade, he was one of the best linemen on his team and by his senior year in high school, Nick had been nominated as an All-CIF football player.

Nick participated in nearly every play of the game and owes a lot of his success to his mom, Tracy Ekbatani. “My mom was at every game and practice. She was the one who’d bring pizza, orange slices, Gatorade,” he says.

After graduating high school, Nick joined LA Harbor college. After one semester, he transferred to UCLA with a full scholarship and graduated with a major in Political Science.


In July of 2012, Nick’s life would be forever changed. He was involved in a catastrophic auto accident in which a van collided with his motorcycle. He woke up in the hospital and was delivered the news that doctors had to amputate his left leg.

Though highly drugged, Nick was able to laugh at himself like he did when he was younger. He explains that he went through several stages of grief, such as denial. However, in hopes of lightening an extremely difficult situation, he cracked jokes and tried to make the best of the situation.

Fortunately for Nick, he had been working out tremendously prior to the event, which ultimately is why he is still alive. Doctors explained to Nick his cardiovascular fitness helped to prevent him from bleeding to death. Despite being healthy, Nick remained in bed for 4 weeks while heavily drugged on painkillers.

Nick recalls the first two years after the accident as very challenging. He often fell in the process of recovering due to his eagerness to improve. Since he was visiting the doctor’s office at least once a week, he even moved to Santa Monica so that he was closer.

Nearly four years and a dozen surgeries later, Nick is still recovering. One of his greatest challenges has been battling a stubborn infection in his femur. He uses a prosthetic leg which he has to carefully clean and take care of, which also can be tiring to wear for a long time as it is tight on his skin. Being the joker that he is, Nick explains that he has benefitted by learning a lot about skin care in result.

When asked how Nick has been able to remain so positive during such a difficult time in his life, he explains that he is always seeking ways to chase the light at the end of the tunnel. “It only gets dark when you stop chasing it,” he says.


The accident has definitely had an impact on how Nick lives his life today. At times, he finds himself reacting overzealously in realizing that life is short. Other times, his fear/anxiety holds him back and scares him. Despite it all, he finds himself to be very grateful and has a changed perspective on life.

Nick genuinely feels blessed to have grown up playing football. He explains that he has become very disciplined due to the sport, which has helped him remain persistent to succeed. He loves football most for the virtues he has gained, relationships and mentors he’s found and how he is able to continuously improve his craft like an artist would.

Today, Nick remains as disciplined as ever. He remains very active, waking up at 4 a.m. to train clients and instruct classes at Orangetheory Fitness in Brentwood and West Hollywood. During times where he finds himself frustrated, he remembers that there are others out there who have it worse and no matter how bad it gets, he feels blessed to be alive.


Nick is currently pursuing his MBA from USC. He genuinely loves technology companies like Apple and athletic apparel brands like Nike and he hopes to establish his own business in the next five years where he can lead a team and inspire others.

When Nick is not studying, working or improving his recovery process, he is visiting patients of the doctors who’ve operated on his leg. It is very easy to see why Nick’s doctors value his presence, as he is able to present a positive, welcoming and high energy to others.

Nick spends time with patients who are in the premature stages of recovery and shows them that despite his loss, he is able to still do a lot for being in the position he is in. Helping new amputees throughout their recovery motivates Nick and gives him a deeper sense of purpose.

Thank you, Nick, for being a wonderful member of the south bay community and an inspiring and positive ray of light for those who still need help finding their way in a dark tunnel.


“Adversity has the way to advance us if we allow it. A setback is really a setup for us to come back.” Nick Ekbatani

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Surviving the Holidays in the South Bay

Shima 0 comments 29.11.2015


Christmas is one of the most loved holidays. It’s a time where (most) people are in a jolly spirit and make the most memories with their loved ones.

Although many parents love the fact that their children have a two-week break, most fall short of activities to do, leaving their children constantly nagging, “I’m bored.”

Despite the excitement of having time off, we tend to forget all the great activities we can do. Here are some fun ways to celebrate the holidays and the time off- South Bay style.

  Go see Christmas Lights:

It’s not Christmas until you pack the car with your family and friends and visit Candy Cane Lane at 200 Acacia St in El Segundo, CA 90245. Kids can meet Santa and view extravagant light displays, all for free.


Sleepy Hollow Christmas Lights in South Torrance is another great site to visit. The entire neighborhood is involved. I personally love to park my car so that I can walk along the sidewalk. It’s easier to capture photos and neighbors sell delicious treats along the way.


Buy a Christmas tree:


One of the most admired traditions of the holidays for families is buying a Christmas tree. It’s one of the best ways to get the family together, working towards the same goal- finding the best one.  This Christmas, stop by Christmas Tree House and mention “SELL WITH SHIMA” to receive 10% off.

Ice-Skate with Friends:

Ice-skating makes for unforgettable memories. With all the falling, laughing and hot cocoa, you’re sure to have a wonderful time. One of the best parts of ice-skating is trying to keep your balance while taking silly photos with friends.


Head down to Santa Monica’s ICE or LA Live’s outdoor rink this month for some outdoor fun.

Have a Secret Santa Party:

Giving gifts can be a hassle, especially when you’re blessed with a large group of family or friends. Grab a group of friends or cousins and place names into a bowl. Everyone picks a name and keeps it a secret until the gift-exchange date, which you can choose. This is a fun and inexpensive way to celebrate the holidays, all while keeping everyone involved in the fun! A tip: have everyone agree on a budget for gifts.



nvite your friends over and have each person bring over their favorite homemade treat. I love sitting around the TV and enjoying warm cookies with a cup of milk with friends.

Visit Big Bear:


Sure, we don’t have snow in Los Angeles. But hop in the car and drive 2 hours to Big Bear and you’ll have fresh snow where you can sled, ski, or snowboard for the day!

Sand Sledding:


Is Big Bear too far? No worries, winter in Los Angeles consists of sleds on sand in Hermosa Beach. Who’s complaining? Sun and Sleds.

Give back:


It’s not the holidays, unless you’re giving back to those who need it most. Try donating items no longer needed to the Salvation Army or donating jackets, umbrellas, and blankets to homeless. My friends and I enjoy making sandwiches and giving it back to homeless in Skid-row. It helps you remember how fortunate we are.

Take silly Christmas photos:


Enough said.

What are some of your favorite local attractions to visit during the holidays?

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Shima 0 comments 24.11.2015


For today’s “Tourist in my own city,” I visited Santa Monica’s “ICE.”

Year after year, I would drive pass the outdoor ice rink, promising myself that I would try it one day. Well, this year, after finding a coupon on Groupon, I made it a priority to attend.

ICE at Santa Monica is a little ice skating rink that comes around every holiday season. What makes the rink so fun is that it resides in the beach-side community and is on the corner of 5th Street and Arizona Avenue in Santa Monica.


According to the downtown Santa Monica website, the rink measures at 8,000 square feet. I visited the rink today when it opened at 2 p.m. I was surprised to find so many young children waiting in line at 1:45. Parents, nannies and children of all ages skated and laughed with joy, even when they fell.


Personally, I LOVE ice-skating but go to larger, indoor rinks like the Toyota Center in El Segundo. Although the rink was fun because of the energizing music and the lack of needing a sweater, it was a little too crowded for my liking. I enjoy skating in large rinks because I don’t have to be too cautious of others whereas in a smaller rink like ICE, you have to be extremely careful.


Furthermore, as weather is always unpredictable in So-Cal, it was a hot day. At 78 degrees, the ice was melting which made for sliding and lots of falls among the crowd. Despite the crowds and slippery ice, I suggest everyone visit ICE in Santa Monica at least once this holiday season.

It’s a nice place to gather with friends, drink some hot cocoa, and make everlasting memories.

The rink’s hours and days of service are as follows:
November 1, 2015 — January 18, 2016

Admission with Skate Rental: $15

General Hours of Operation
Monday-Thursday: 2:00pm – 10:00pm
Friday: 2:00pm – Midnight
Saturday: 10:00am – Midnight
Sunday: 10:00am – 10:00pm

Holiday Hours


November 26: 10:00am – 10:00pm
November 27: 10:00am – Midnight

Holiday Break, Christmas Eve 
December  21 – December 24: 10:00am – 10:00pm

Christmas Day
10:00am — Midnight

Holiday Break, New Year’s Eve
December 28 – December 31: 10:00am – 10:00pm

New Year’s Day
January 1: 10:00am – 12:00am

Martin Luther King Day (Last Day of ICE at Santa Monica)
January 18: 10:00am – 10:00pm

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Helping Give Every Baby a Healthy Start

Shima 0 comments 07.10.2015


Every Wednesday, I will share a resident of the South Bay contributing to making our community a better place.

Today’s #WCW title belongs to South Bay resident, Cindy Perez who is a member of the March of Dimes’ committee where she raises money to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.

Cindy, 27, is a South Bay native who is currently working in the medical field while also finishing up school.  When she is not juggling school and work, she is a member of the March of Dimes committee (Orange County Chapter).

Despite her demanding hours with school, Cindy dedicates time to pay it forward by raising money as well as prepare and contribute in organizing the March of Dimes yearly 5k walk/run. Cindy raises money by educating and bringing awareness to others about March of Dimes.

Cindy was inspired to pursue March of Dimes when a friend of the family’s son died a few weeks after birth. Cindy’s aunt and she decided they wanted to do something to support their friend, and soon grew to love the organization and after a few years of attending and raising money for the March of Dimes, they decided to join the committee.


With the help of social media, Cindy has been able to bring awareness to others about March of Dimes.  In addition, she posts flyers at work, gym, school etc. Prior to the first year Cindy joined March of Dimes, she was not aware of how many newborns are born prematurely or with birth defects.  She hopes that with each passing year, she can bring more awareness to others.

Cindy would like people to know that March of Dimes is a nonprofit organization that helps improve the health of newborn babies. Every year, March of Dimes helps the premature rate drop, give support to the families of the newborns, and invest in the research toward lowing birth effect and death rate. For more detailed information, one may visit their website here.

In addition to bringing awareness to March of Dimes, Cindy contributes to society by participating in other 5ks and attempting to raise money for whatever causes that may be. Just recently in the month of September, she participated in the Los Angeles Dodgers foundation 5K where money was raised for children to in Los Angeles to be able to have special programs within their school. Just last week, she started a toy drive where she collected over 200 items to donate to the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.


Cindy believes every person is different and has a passion for something different from the next person, so she encourages others to find something they are passionate about and research what ways they can help in that area.

Cindy explains, “My soft spot is helping children which is why it is so easy for me to willingly dedicate time to March of Dimes.”

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Not Your Average Sandwich

Shima 0 comments 21.09.2015


Today’s #MCM title belongs to the South Bay’s latest hype: BreadCrumbs sandwiches, created by local residents of the South Bay.

One of your first meals in grade school was probably a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and no matter how much older you’ve become, you still crave them. There’s something unusually satisfying and comforting about a sandwich. For some, it brings them closer to home and for others, it’s the simplicity behind it.

Sandwiches have become a household staple that no matter the time or day, sound good. In an age where restaurants are constantly competing to stand out with unique flavors, outrageous presentations, and flames coming out from the plate- there remains a universal craving of sandwiches. Even the simplest made sandwiches combining a whirl of ingredients, sandwiches satisfy cravings with just one bite.

Sometimes having “just a sandwich” is what makes it so darn good, but BreadCrumbs isn’t JUSTa sandwich. That’s right- the sandwiches stand out from others because:

1.It isn’t a franchise


2. The sandwiches are made with the finest ingredients.


According to the creators behind BreadCrumbs Gourmet Sandwiches, “You are getting the best proteins, healthiest veggies and the right carbs to ensure you have the energy to physically and mentally keep yourself sharp and energized, all while enjoying our amazing sandwiches in the process. BreadCrumbs gourmet sandwiches are the highest quality sandwiches on the market. Every detail of our sandwiches has been well thought out for not only the taste, but the nutritional value for our customers. We spent over a year searching for the perfect bread for our sandwiches, choosing Non-GMO breads for its texture, smell and taste. Our meats are gluten free resulting in only the best from Boars Head. Our sauces are house-made and our vegetables are fresh and locally sourced. BreadCrumbs gourmet sandwiches are simply the best.”

The creators, Keivan and Garrett are both residents of the South Bay. Keivan worked many years in the restaurant industry and when finally realizing his passion was to provide gourmet sandwiches to locals, he presented the idea of a partnership with his buddy, Garrett. Immediately, Garrett was sold on the idea, trusting Keivan’s work ethic and experience in the food & beverage industry. Their foundation was simple: A business that provides delicious gourmet sandwiches to the community while giving back as much as it got from it.

BreadCrumbs is built on Quality and Service. The quality of business ranges from the cleanliness of the facility to how each sandwich is made and delivered. The sandwiches are rivaled by none as the best breads and proteins, local veggies and sauces are uniquely chosen and produced.

Keivan and Garrett agreed that simplicity is a great quality and goes a long way. In result, they’ve focused on enhancing the word simple by creating a fascinating experience with their meals.



The community inspires them and their hopes are to celebrate sharing and displaying their food for all to enjoy. They host several events including the Farmer’s Market, sell sandwiches at international market, Seaside Market in, and provide after-hour sandwiches at Hermosa Beach bars. They believe in five core values including quality, service, community, employees, and trust. Their goal is that in everything they do, these ethics are seen from the way the meat is cut to the warm smile they give customers.

To learn more about BreadCrumbs, please visit their website here.

Stop by and visit the crew every:

Tuesday: Torrance Farmer’s Market

Wednesdays: Hermosa Pier,  11-4 p.m.

Fridays: Hermosa, 11th Street: 11-4 p.m.

Sunday: Palos Verdes Farmer’s Market


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Trader Joe’s increases Home Appreciation

Shima 0 comments 14.09.2015


If you needed another reason to love Trader Joe’s, this is it.

According to RealtyTrac, who ran an analysis of home values, appreciation, and property taxes within U.S. zip codes discovered that homeowners near a Trader Joe’s have experienced an increase in home value.

The study was determined by comparing the home values of owners living near a Trader Joe’s versus homeowners near a Whole Foods. There was an average 40 percent increase in home values of those near Trader Joe’s and only a 34 percent appreciation of those near a Whole Foods.

The homes used for the study were based on 1.7 million homes, condos and co-ops with at least one Whole Foods store nearby but no Trader Joe’s, and 2.3 million homes, condos and co-ops with at least one Trader Joe’s in the area but no Whole Foods.

Why might the home value increase for a neighborhood close to a Trader Joe’s? Well, here are some reminders why Trader Joe’s is admired according to Yahoo Food

-All Trader Joe’s products are made from non-GMO foods, and contain no high fructose corn syrup, trans fat, artificial colors or flavors

-The first Trader Joe’s opened by a man named Joe in 1967 in Pasadena, CA.

-If you don’t like something, you can return it.

-If you want to try something before you buy it, you can do that too.

-Trader Joe’s donates leftover food to food banks, pantries, and/or soup kitchens.

-They make cookie butter.

In addition, as reported by Fooducate,At Whole Foods Market, items are typically priced higher than similar products at Trader Joe’s.”

Although homeowners who live in a radius within a Trader Joe’s have experienced an increase in home value appreciation, it was also noted that they pay higher property taxes on average.

In conclusion, though living near a Whole Food’s or Trader Joe’s may not be considered as in depth as this study is when purchasing a home, I have one response: cookie butter.

That is all.

References contributing to this article include: Daily Breeze, RealtyTrac, Fooducate, and Yahoo Food.

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No Offers?

Shima 0 comments 18.06.2015


When preparing to sell your home, it is important to put yourself in the buyer’s place. If you were to walk into a home that is messy and unorganized, wouldn’t you run?

It is suggested to always consider the condition you want to present your home in. It does not cost a lot to make a home look presentable with simple fixes such as cleaning down surfaces, removing excess clutter, and vacuuming.

By clearing out your home, you are sure to increase the chances of receiving multiple offers!

 Remember, “It takes months to find a customer and seconds to lose them….The golden rule for every business man is to put yourself in your customer’s place….”
